Hi! I'm Scott Krech...

I'm husband to a beautiful woman (of 21 years), father to 2 talented sons, friend, and football fan - GO PANTHERS!;-)

But besides spending time with my fam...

...one of my favorite things to do is to consult and/or partner with business owners to help them methodically grow their businesses.

As a business marketing consultant and copywriter over the years, I've helped entrepreneurs of all stripes sell millions of dollars of products & services...

Which makes it MUCH easier to find FAST wins for my clients, cuz I see things from an outside perspective...

I get it — it's tough to see the forest for the trees...

And quite often, folks in biz get caught looking at their world from inside the "business snow globe"...

That's why outside perspective is CRITICAL to personal & professional growth.

I know...

Common sense stuff, right?...

But for a lot business owners — they're just TOO BUSY to scrape ANY MORE time outta their day...

...so it's not often they get the outside perspective they NEED to grow their leads, sales, and profits.

And if they DO find someone that can help, it can cost them an arm and a leg.

Well, I'd like to help change that (more on that in a minute).

Now, speaking of leads, sales, and profits...

Here's just a few folks I've helped in my previous life;-)...

Justin Brooke

David Dutton

Paul Halme

Tim Paulson

Aaron O'Sullivan

Scott Smith

Want to Grow Your Business withOUT Risk?

Want to Grow Your Business withOUT Risk?

My PAY-FOR-PERFORMANCE consulting just might be a good fit for you?...

But please...

...ONLY consider it, if you're open to the idea of NO-RISK consulting with someone who ONLY wins when YOUR BUSINESS wins?

Click the button below to explore my NO-RISK consulting offer further...

For Service-based Businesses Who RELY on Appointments to Fuel Their Sales engines?

I'm also known as the Appointments Guy™.

And you'll NEVER guess what I help service-based business owners do?:-)


I help them get MORE booked appointments FAST (in as few as 7 days).

Want MORE Booked Appointments FAST?

Click the button below now to visit...

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Take care and God bless,

-Scott Krech

PS — When I make new offers — they FULLY book up FAST. Get in touch now, BEFORE your competitors do!

© Scott Krech & Business And Profits, LLC | All Rights Reserved.